Thursday, January 31, 2008

cutie cutie cutie adorable hammies

i was looking to my picture collection of my hammies. they're so cuuuuuuute and adorable. their tiny nose, round and clear eyes (black or red ones), funny twin teeth, soft fur and great smell of hammies .. they all make me keep starring on the pictures and say : how great THOU art!

i always adore fury creatures. either doggies, hammies, rabbits, tigers, etc..etc.. except cats hehehe..

feb 2005 i bought 2 hammies. i called the female as poko. and the male i called as piko. they are cute hammies. piko was a light browm campbels with red eyes. poko was a tiny grey white-winter with black big eyes. in july 2006 they become a tribe of hammies with 36 members. so fast ah? hahahahahaha ...

i got one futuristic plastic cage + 4 wire cages + 1 simple cage (for hammy travel) + 1 big green dough bowl (belongs to my mom) + 1 trash basket + 1 shopping basket (belongs to my mom) as their homes :)

i love my hammies but then i found that mixing a campbels and a white winter hammy was a crime, because their genetics do not match each other. so, many times the childrean will not be a healthy generation according to some online articles. so i stopped breeding them. i never let a male and female in the same place to stop breeding. i gave the hammies to my friends and told them not to breed them because they will only produce unhealthy kids.

then i saw them -the left hammies- died one by one. and it hurted me. one of them dies because its water bottle didnt work! God, i really regret the day i refilled the bottle :(

piko died in his very old age (btw hammy only reach 2 years of age). he still wanted to move and play even he was in his old age. but inside the body, his inner body part were started to fester.

i cried everytime i lost my hammy. seems like i lost part of my own body and soul :( my pets are my own life. i love them soooooooo much.

"I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones (read: hammies) will cry out"

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